We Are Apart. A poem by Maire Carr

Days melt into alarm clocks
April into May
Green eyes flicker indigo
Batteries flash red
And we don’t know.
Are we empty?

It’s the not knowing
It’s the feeling
It’s the longing, the needing
The flowers bursting into bloom
The echoes of the dawn chorus rushing from the trees

It’s the uncertainty.
A bubbling cauldron
A calm blue lake
A screensaver
Is everything fake?

The ravenous hunger
The fiery rage
The wailing tears
The pit of missing
The devastation of their favourite song
The weight of gone-from-me.

The pull of home
The push of responsibility
The reaching love of tiny hands
The coldness of sudden goodbyes
The invisible bonds that tie us together
Intangible ropes of love connecting us forever

The ease of open, beckoning days
The lightness of being
The soaring joy of new ways of seeing
The embrace of our breath
The energy of hope
The acceptance of uncontrollable things

A circle of friends
A coven of wild women and their cascading dreams
A murder of crows
Their crunching calls expressing what I can’t right now
A wedge of swans in flight
Pointing the way to god knows where
Where are we going?

Change is upon us
We must action this knowing
What world will the sunrise birdsong usher in by morning?


Máire Carr has been writing for a number of years, poetry, music and short stories.


  1. Says it all Maire. Absolutely lovely. Thanks. Tena

  2. Very well done Máire – says so much.

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