To a distant heart. A poem and also an haiku by Edward Schmidt-Zorner

To a distant heart

Alone in isolation, hermitage;
how I miss the tender touch
and hug.
The body withers like a flower,
orphaned heart full of sorrow.
Resonances fade away,
vanish unheeded
into dark night’s loneliness.

I miss you. I miss you too.
Virtual dialogue held
no exchange of resounding words,
distant waves, wibes, melodies.
A heart beat pounds
in harmony with mine –
rhythm of poetry sublime.

We are as Hölderlin
locked in a tower
above the Neckar for 36 years;
a captive bird in a bower
imposed solitude by those in power
to shield him
and preserve his invaluable talents
to enrich us with his immortal poems.


ghetto, kind of,
outside lurks the enemy,
eerie silence


Eduard Schmidt-Zorner is a translator and writer of poetry, haibun, haiku and short stories. He writes in four languages: English, French, Spanish and German and holds workshops on Japanese and Chinese style poetry and prose. Member of four writer groups in Ireland and lives in County Kerry, Ireland, for more than 25 years and is a proud Irish citizen, born in Germany. Published in 79 anthologies, literary journals and broadsheets in USA, UK, Ireland, Japan, Sweden, Italy, Bangladesh, India, France, Mauritius, Nigeria and Canada. Writes also under his pen name: Eadbhard McGowan

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