Items Found in the Lockdown Kitchen. Flash Fiction by Lynn Valentine

Coffee that’s not bitter enough ; an empty spaghetti jar; loo rolls, too many loo rolls in the weird space of cupboard to the left of the hob; kitchen rolls, same as loo rolls; a on e kilo bag of risotto rice (even though no-one in the house likes risotto); two boxes of inferior Shiraz; five different types of cheese that are stinking the fridge and the kitchen out (the Cheese House do deliveries); four different types of crackers (see Cheese House delivery); three four packs of chunky Kit-Kats; two Kit-Kat wrappers well-hidden at the bottom of the bin; a five-year-old jar of pickle that’s found it’s way to the front of the cupboard; the last three Lady Grey teabags with a do-not-use-on-pain-of-death post-it attached; six boxes of grain-free dogfood; rhubarb (the neighbour has a patch); lentils (never thought I’d feel lucky to have them); ten potatoes; the last banana with bruised skin; me, crying at the sink; coffee that’s not bitter enough.


Bio & Link
Lynn Valentine writes between dog walks on the Black Isle. Her work has been widely published online and in anthologies. She is organising her first poetry collection under the mentorship of Cinnamon Press after winning a place on their Pencil mentoring competition.

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