Hope in a quiet morning. A poem by Name Dr Wendy-Jane Walton

I’m playing ‘spot the rainbow’ NHS:
appointment slots scream out in Covid-red,
bin-liner’s orange, and a pack of wipes,
the sharps tub, lego-yellow. Next is green.
None to be seen, but here’s abundant blue,
On mask, and couch, and gloves, and paper screen.
Then indigo’s the lid for toxic sharps,
and violet the gloves box, safely calm.

Bright walls and gleaming chrome reflect the light,
I cast around in desert white for green,
spot, glowing quietly without alarm,
twin ‘line free’ beacons on the telephone,
and ah! the yin-yang icon for ‘Refresh’ —
a sprig of hope on my computer screen.


Wendy-Jane is a GP returned to work from retirement in response to the Covid crisis.

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