Corona round. A poem by Alistair Scott

We stayhome, lone, in bungalow, bedsit, château, chalet, trailer.
Alone we talk on Whatsapp, Skype, Zoom, Facetime. Wash our hands.
Talk droplets, hot-spots, ICUs and ‘herd immunity’. Stay well away from Grandma.
Alone we watch the graph-lines mounting. Counting jaggy mountains.

Alone we talk on Whatsapp, Skype, Zoom, Facetime. Wash our hands.
Unlucky Italy! How far behind their curve are we? More PPE!
We watch the graph-lines mounting. Counting. Need more testing.
Cheer with face-masked neighbours: ‘Thank you!’, ‘Merci’, ‘Danke’, ‘Grazie’.

Unlucky Italy! How far behind their curve are we? More PPE!
See their patients lying face-down. Corona-ed. Coma-ed. Breathing laboured.
Apprehensive watch those graph-line mountains. Counting. Stayhome.
When will we achieve the peak? Can crests be flattened? Don’t touch your face!

See patients lying flat-out. Laboured breathing. Deep in coma.
Stay well clear of Grandma. Think of droplets, hot-spots, ventilators. Vaccine?
When will we achieve the apex? Can peaks be brought down? Flat-lined?
Stayinghome in bungalow, bedsit, château, chalet; we wash our hands.


Alistair Scott is a Swiss writer and photographer. He has published books on photography and a collection of poetry. He is a member of the Léman Poetry Workshop. Visit his website here.

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