An eerie sense An eerie time An eerie feeling An eerie silence Eerie streets Eerie towns Eerie people No-one passing …
Locked Down, Apart. A poem by K.E. Stone
Let’s not dwell on it You say No, I agree And we speak of other things I’d like you to …
Fear the Reaper. A poem by Dave Rendle
The days are getting longer now For Mr death this means more business, He respects no borders, or governmental orders …
Enough. A poem by Billy O Hanluain
A morning like this when there is a benediction in the blue sky. Every muscle of grass stretching, unmown, like …
Spilt Milk. A poem by H. R. Gibs
I have become very good at spilling milk. Almost daily, loose lips dripple pearly white blobs onto my sweatshirt. Or, …