She switched off the strip light And turned on the lamp Her split shoe crushed at the heel Spewing ragged …
Ode to a Dear Friend. A poem, by Irene Coleman
Her hand outstretched, going to the open window, Hoping to grasp, one more life- giving breath, It was not meant …
Mirror Mirror and A Songbird’s Cry. Two poems by Cheryl Jones
Mirror mirror, avert your gaze, To fields of golden corn. Where sweet sun’s ray’s in shadows dance, And barefeet children …
Nurse by Bike. A poem, by Cian Manning
A second-hand frame spray painted red your provincial colours.A steady cadence just as in life you handle the bike. A …
There are no Heroes. A poem, by Iarlaith Cunningham
“Their work is easy, sure they do nothing” TD thinking, now in lockdown laziness. Lay over in their beds and …