What is happening to our world? by Julie Callaghan

What is happening to our world?
Is it spinning out of control?
Mass devastation and chaos, seem to be the ultimate goal

What is happening to our world?
The fear messes with my head
I want the uncertainty to cease, the news fills me with dread

What it happening to our world?
When will this nightmare end?
The deadly corona virus has recruited a new evil friend

What is happening to our world?
When will the penny drop?
Continue to gather in crowds and the dying will not stop

What is happening to our world?
Have we not shed enough tears?
Stay safe, stay alert, protect the NHS, the pleas fall on deaf ears

What is happening to our world?
Like a roller coaster ride from hell
Put the brakes on, make it stop, I want to get off, I feel unwell

What is happening to our world?
Take a step back and a deep breath
Stop the wars, the terror, the hatred, the unnecessary deaths

What is happening to our world?
Are we blind and can not see?
The answer is simple, be respectful and kind, create a better world for you and me

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