Today I got a haircut, a real one….A poem by Julie McNeill

Today, I got a haircut
a real one
with a gown
and scissors made for the job.

She chose highlights and lowlights
as we shared stories
of a hundred days and more.
She measured both sides

and filled me in on
cancelled Ibiza
Carol Baskin
and her baby girl’s first wobbly steps.

Today I navigated mask-wearing
hair-washing and small talk,
trying not to touch surfaces
or – God forbid – to cough.

I practiced being thankful
as I sat in my disinfected chair
child-free for the first time
in what’s felt like, at least, a year.

A lump in my throat
as she told me that she’s scared.
That really she felt safer
at home with her new babe.

But that wouldn’t pay the bills now would it?

They are booked up until September
never been more in demand.
We’ve all realised the benefit
of their care and practiced hands.

The local shop is booming,
cars lie heavy in the drive
tadpoles now hopping freely
down the Forth and Clyde canal

and today I got a haircut
a real one
with a gown
and scissors,
made for the job.


Scottish Writer @JulieMcNeill1


  1. On the button – hoping to do the same next week, all going well!

    1. Thank you. Hope you enjoy the pampering xx

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