The Loneliness Of The Long Distant Visit by Tess McKevitt

I see you through a small window of hope
where the lavender objects act as a blunder
The crisp white net held loosely back by the tenderest hands
as your cocoon tightens
lending its grip anxiously to an eternityYour face shadowed by the feigned light while we peer eagerly just to see your forgotten expressions
We plead with the stars to furnish a flicker of your reassuring nod as your melancholy soul appears beneath your virtual delight

We softly notice your spirit in hiding
masked behind the music that moved you
and the muse that drove you to polish the corridors that lead us into our dreams and shielded us from scrutiny
We see you behind the hall doors
Still present

The power of the matriarch must be the
aptitude to die and to perish with some consciousness suspended
Measured in meters and waves
We must battle at the silent hint of nature’s true prophecy as hope concedes its quest to bring a second spring

Tess McKevitt is a published Irish writer and poet based in Westmeath. Her work has featured in various catalogues throughout different parts of the globe,under her pseudonym – Coni T. Poni, and she has read her works at many festivals, clubs and events across the country. Tess is currently working on editing and subsequently publishing a book of Poems for Palestine.

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