The Birds Are Looking For Us. A Poem by Tess McKeviit

A symphony of tangled torment bellows from the faucets as the jackdaws purge a song from their nebs
Every morning a new song composed
The flowers grow towards their light
as Mother Nature cries at their needy somber sound
Compounding us with their thoughts
The nutcrackers would bend to hear us sigh and they amplify their sound to lure us from our dormant nesting
Can the starlings survive without a listener
While their splendor obscures the mild celestial bodies at dawn
The Raven harbours molasses-like-silk in their coat that some define as sadness
as they sing a truth we never knew while they watched us half asleep
The earth birthed a pandemonium plague
as decadent gospels and prophets still sang out from magpies and rooks
and we can not imitate them
Tess McKevitt is a published Irish writer and poet based in Westmeath. Her work featured in various catalogues throughout different parts of the globe and she has read her works at various festivals and events across the country. Tess is currently working on a book with Another author/poet and they are in the throes of editing and subsequently publishing a book of Poems for Palestine.

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