Remembrance of things past. A short story by Caroline Stevens-Taylor

It seemed like only yesterday, yet it feels like an age, months, years even. Oh how I long to be with you again and feel your arms around me.
Your love, always so real, so true, so unconditional. Well, at times, in fact, there were conditions, but nothing I couldn’t handle. I could always accommodate and if I’m honest, I was happy to. I quite liked it actually. You were always a tease, or was that me? No matter, it made it all the more special when it was ‘on condition’, not that those actual words were uttered, but they were often implied.
Now all I have are my memories. I hold dear in my heart remembrance of the things past. I don’t like to talk about it here, too much, for I will be scolded and judged and told to just be patient. Well patience is a virtue and I am not so virtuous. I am impatient and I always have been.
I see you in my dreams and I think of you every waking minute. Sometimes I think I can hear you, smell you and feel your arms around me, but I am sadly mistaken. You are not here, you are only in my dreams and I want to stay asleep longer so that we can talk and laugh and do things together, like we used to.
We loved to cook and bake and we also just loved to go on our walks, a nice stroll down the lane. Holding hands tightly. My heart yearns for that, life’s simple pleasures. I can’t wait to be able to let you back in.
It feels cruel looking at you, through the lens, the screen, the window. I know it’s for the best. Everyone knows it’s for the best and I surely don’t want to hurt you, so I will forever think and dream of you, running free again, running through the field, the garden the house, making a big mess, laughing at the silly things. You teasing, saying I can have a kiss for a bar of chocolate, when I have it in my hand already, teasing you to pick the correct hand and then you’ll hop into my arms, give me the biggest hug and kiss and you’ll sit on my lap again, as any cute and loving grandchild does. Then, after our snuggle, we’ll go play, pretend we are spies and we will catch all the villains. First though, this villain, this virus has to go and then, we will be safe again, to be together again, not just in dreams or behind the lens or the screen or the window, but here, in the house, in person, beside me.


I am a 55 year old female and like to write about anything and everything. It may be a poem, a blog or something from a prompt. I just like to write. Here is my blog.

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