Outbreak. A poem by Richard Webb

We sit in our confined isolation
Wary of what we touch, keeping
Our distance. Weary of the news,
The lost jobs, the mounting toll.

And yet…

The air is clear and no contrails
Streak through the blue sky,
Bird song fills the empty street
As Nature reclaims her own.

As we bear our lockdown
For the greater good, online humour
lifts our spirits. Communities reach
out to give a helping hand.

Being thrown on our own resources
Reminds us of what is important.
We applaud those we truly rely on,
They’ve been overlooked until now.

Hope and compassion provide
Oxygen for a fairer world to break
Through. Birch trees burst into leaf
As the grey world turns green again.

Richard Webb


I am a member of Abraxis, the Bray Writers Group and I’m working on my first collection. Some work has been published in the Bray Arts Journal.

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