Keep Calm and Wash Your Hands, We Give You Rainbows, Nature is the One Constant in Our Lives, Captain Tom. Four Poems by Geraldine Ford

Keep Calm and Wash Your Hands!

The best thing to do, Boris said on TV,
is wash your hands with soap and hot water,
while singing happy birthday at least twice,
and from this advice we must not falter.
But Boris ignores guidance and goes round,
shaking everybody’s hands in the room,
and without washing his hands in between,
yet he knows what he’s doing we assume.
Wash your hands to the tune happy birthday,
Sadly, some will not survive till their next one.
If you have OCD and wash your hands
all day, then you’ve got it covered, job done!
Thinking I was alone in the toilets,
I was determined to try the advice,
so, while singing happy birthday to me,
instead of once, I washed my hands twice.
A lady came out of a cubicle,
looked at me as if I was barking mad,
or, thought I’d been on the wacky backy.
I didn’t think my singing was that bad!
Experts state that keeping your hands clean,
is a priority and a sure way,
to preventing the spread of infection.
Wash hands after the toilet they say;
after sneezing, blowing your nose, coughing;
before eating or visiting someone who’s ill.
We’ll all end up with chapped hands and OCD,
but at least some will have learned a new skill.


We Give You Rainbows

Spring sun, shines on hanging crystals,
sending rainbows of colour round the room,
projected onto plain magnolia walls.
Rainbows have become a national symbol,
a mark of courage and determination,
of our beloved NHS staff, on the frontline.
Pictures of covid wards beamed into homes,
and diligent, attentive, frightened, caring,
angels in blue, exhausted by the onslaught.

Every Thursday we clap through our tears,
bang on saucepan lids and cheer, some
even letting off the occasional firework.
Children throughout the land, drawing,
and crafting rainbows from card and tissue,
hang them in their windows, with love;
showing angels in blue, how proud they are.
We give you rainbows, rainbows of thanks,
of admiration; we give you rainbows.


Nature is the One Constant in Our Lives

A vivid full moon in a clear night sky,
as air pollution over London diminishes,
moves slowly across the heavens.
Dawn chorus punctuates the silence,
while humans are gripped with fear,
from a relentless invisible enemy.
Nature is the one constant in our lives.

Birds sing together, welcoming a new day,
soon to witness a spectacular sunrise,
filling minds and hearts with joy;
erasing the fear for a few surreal moments.
Spring has sprung, and wraps around us,
like a warm and healing embrace.
Nature is the one constant in our lives.

Earth, our home, has time to rejuvenate,
while humans stay in their dwellings.
Birds are singing louder and longer,
animals finding their old habitats,
goats roaming streets, chomping on hedges,
puzzled by the lack of human activity.
Nature is the one constant in our lives.

New green leaves appearing on the
branches of trees, firmly rooted in the earth,
spring flowers exploding with colour,
subdue the fear caused by an unseen virus.
Change is being forced upon humankind,
but the natural world renews itself every day.
Nature is the one constant in our lives.


Captain Tom

You’ve won the heart of our beleaguered nation,
just when we needed it Captain Tom Moore.
As a ninety-nine-year old veteran,
and a hero of The Second World War,
one hundred laps of your garden you strode,
with the aid of your walking frame,
to raise a thousand pounds for the NHS,
before your hundredth birthday was your aim.

For NHS staff who cured your cancer,
you wanted to show your appreciation,
for the nurses who cared and the doctors who,
performed your crucial hip operation.
Instead of a mere one thousand pounds,
you’ve raised twenty-eight million to date.
You are not just our hero Captain Tom,
but as an inspiration you are first rate.

When you reach your one hundredth birthday,
friends and family will celebrate with you,
the prime minister, her majesty the Queen,
and a proud nation will be rejoicing too.
You’ve inspired strangers from around the world,
ninety thousand cards with messages galore
have arrived, and there’s still eight days to go;
you’ll probably receive ninety thousand more.

Most of us are staying at home, while
coronavirus takes thousands of lives.
We watch NHS staff on the frontline,
see their anguish, exhaustion, hear their cries.
We thank keyworkers working round the clock,
which proves, where there is darkness there is light.
We salute you Sir Captain Tomas Moore,
for us all, your beacon is a welcome sight.


Bio & Link
I’m a performance poet, author and abstract artist. I’m on Facebook and my paperback ‘When the Spirit Moves You’ is on Amazon –

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