Easter 2020. A poem by Ann Fortune

Sitting in the garden, face upturned soaking up the April sun.
Birds are chirping in the trees, some sit and sing out to greet Easter and new beginnings.

How different life is on the other side of the gate
Coronavirus has invaded our world like a plague, eating away at the heart of our very being.
We can now observe the very goodness and generosity in people.
Unfortunately it also shows the selfishness in others.

I sit and wonder what our world will be like, when this plague runs out of steam,
Will we appreciate:
The air that we breathe, the birdsong in the morning,
The sea as it ebbs and flows against the rocks,
The embrace that we have not had for weeks on end.

This wonderful season of Easter, brings new life, new beginnings,
A renewed hope for mankind,
And above all:

1 Comment

  1. To see and appreciate the beauty of nature during this extraordinary difficult time shows great empathy and strength. Beautiful poem.

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