Coronavirus, Lockdown, We’ll Meet Again and Hippocrates. Poetry by Morna Sullivan


Clapping for carers and all our key workers
Online shopping queues driving us bonkers.
Restrictions on our movements, we’d never foreseen
Obituaries pages stretch for young, old and in-between.
NHS heroes have seamlessly converged
As a new ‘normal’ has suddenly emerged.
Vulnerable people stay protected indoors
Isolated from everyone as the death rate soars.
Returning to February life seems but a dream
UK daily TV updates we watch and cry and scream
Scrubs sewn from sheets for the champion team.


Life as we knew it has metamorphosed
Our days have incredible constraints imposed,
Changed, transformed by this terrible scourge
Killing loved ones, denied neither wake nor a dirge.
‘Domestics’ increasing behind closed doors
Our High Streets are losing even yet more stores
Working from home brings challenge each day
Nine million workers will claim furlough pay.

We’ll Meet Again   

Back then they rationed food and fuel
Parachutes were transformed into wedding dresses,
Children were evacuated from cities for safety.
Loved ones, separated by distance wrestled
The enemy that had taken their freedom
Everyone was “in this together”
Determined to get through it.
Heroes, selflessly battled on the frontline
Vowing to keep fighting until the foe was vanquished
While Vera promised, “We’ll meet again.”

Now they’ve rationed hugs and kisses
Duvet covers are being transformed into scrubs,
Those children are now cocooned at home for safety.
Loved ones, separated by distance wrestle
The enemy that has taken our freedom
Everyone is “in this together”
Determined to get through it.
Heroes, selflessly battle on the frontline
Vowing to keep fighting until the foe has been vanquished.
While we promise each other, “We’ll meet again.”


Prosthetic limbs, penicillin,
Blood transfusions, scans,
Organ transplants, grafted skin
They can make us new again.

The beating heart of every nation
Doctors, nurses, determined, caring
But now all see their dedication
Though they’ve done this all their years.

An army of busy hands and feet
Cleaners and porters march in time
Supporting this body, the heart beat
Keeping it moving, mobilised.

Fixing us, mending us, making us new
Putting us back together when we’re broken
Now is the time to say ‘thank you’
We’ll never take you for granted again.


Morna Sullivan has always had a love of stories. She is a member of the Coney Island Writers Group, Co. Down and the SCBWI Belfast group. She’s won a few writing competitions, has had short stories and poems published but is still chasing that elusive publishing deal.

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