Our fifth week in lockdown, a sunny afternoon. I was sitting out at the back, enjoying the birdsong and blossom, …
BRAVO. A poem by Jane Finnie
Scones as light as a feather, Made with a loving hand, Baked in a magic oven, cleverson. Her mother savoured …
The Pandemic Commandments. A poem by Tess McKevitt
Soften the tresses of your gut Do not let isolation make of you a lone scold Eat from the softness …
Corona Catastrophe. A poem by Katie Lewins
We are all stuck indoors, Scrambling for masks, Trying to fight the virus and doing what Leo Varadkar asks. Everyone …
Are you going for a Pint? A poem by Liam Flanagan
Jasus I’d murder a good Pint! Only there are so many guards around I could end up in the joint …