As we walk away. A poem by Rebecca Faro

We’ve become
a dis ease
unto one another
a sideways glance
full of hurried
with metres of distance
& yards of yearning
between us
As we walk away
we freeze
chilled statues
waiting for warmth
to thaw our broken hearts
we turn to remember
lost days
of laughter
of boundless bonding
of yielding tenderness
As we walk away
we fracture
our old lives
cracking open
who we are
like a worn skin
peeling back
stretching beyond
to embrace
the invisible
that threatens us so
that binds us so
like a braided rope
we must spin out
into a kaleidoscope
of becoming
each breath
an expansion
delivering new hope
as it uncoils
our life
into the imaginary one


I have been living in las Alpujarras, Spain for many years amongst a diversely creative community, I’m a dancer, facilitator, performer & poet all help to feed my soul.

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