Angels in Blue. Poetry by Megha Sood

Draped in the cold pale blue overalls, masking the identity
which holds no importance in these turbulent times

Where every heart needs solace and every mind needs peace

Where days are seeded with fear and anxiety

They come bearing the news of hope and comfort

for the haggard faces and the jarred minds

Trying to keep the grief and sorrow at arm’s length distance

they are the angels dawned on the face of humanity

When everyone looks place for safe haven

a place to end this temerity

Yes, they are the brave hearts

wearing their life on their sleeves

Braving their own lives. A trade-off, they deem important,

for sick and the elderly

if you ever bow down and hold your hands in prayer

pray for them, incessantly.

A seraphic soul in a mortal body

These angels in blue are indeed a gift to humanity.

Megha Sood lives in Jersey City, New Jersey, USA. She is an Assistant Poetry Editor at Ariel Chart and Mookychick. Over 350+ works in journals including FIVE:2: ONE, KOAN, Kissing Dynamite, Dime show review, etc. and works featured in 38 other print anthologies by the US, UK, Australian, and Canadian Press. Two-time State-level winner of the NJ Poetry Contest 2018/2019. National level Poetry Finalist in Poetry Matters Prize 2019, Shortlisted in Pangolin Poetry Prize 2019 and in Adelaide Literary Awards 2019. Works selected numerous times in Jersey City Genre Nights and Department of Cultural Affairs. She blogs at and tweets at @meghasood16.

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