A Spring to remember and There will be time. Two poems by Audrey 0’Carroll

A Spring to remember   

My life has changed since early March
as the Corona Virus has spread our way
I wonder will I ever feel free again
to live, go, do whatever I wish to do.
I miss the hugs, the laughs, and the joy
with family, friends, kids, strangers too
though FaceTime, Zoom has helped a lot
it doesn’t match an actual touch.

My love of family has grown deeper
old arguments, fall-outs forgotten
expressed love previously unstated
has said how much I mean to them all.

The 2Km distance was so constraining
beyond the garden I couldn’t go
the dog, cat, birds and trees is all I had to talk to
since human interaction was disallowed.

The TV, radio has been so scary
Number of daily deaths, predicted reproduction rate
stay home, cocoon, they told me to do
I screamed at the TV – I’m not frail or old.

When I have time I always thought
I’ll paint, revamp, and declutter
I have the time to do it now
Yet little have I achieved.

I do my dancing, writing, virtually online
though different, it keeps my spirits high
there’s so much else I can do and learn
visit countries, museums, galleries near and far.

The 5Km distance was liberating
We waked the piers, inhaled sea air
East Pier one day, West another
We talked at a distance at all times.

Our route took us by Irish Lights
Town Hall, Queen Victoria Fountain,
the Cannon from the Crimean War,
sundial, bandstand and Lighthouse.

I am lucky to live in Dun Laoghaire
So close to sea, piers, park, wide open spaces
Historic buildings, poetic places
I love the Lexicon’s ship like structure.

There will be time

There will be time
as yet unknown
when freedom replaces fear
new vision imbue our horizon

There will be time
to hug, embrace
loved ones every one
keep close and never let them go

There will be time
in silence and isolation
to remember winter chills
awakening spring, blistering summers,
slumbering autumns.

There will be time, oh will there be
to see my dreams come true
more time has passed than lays ahead
more urgency to fulfill

There will be time, I know there will
when I’ll dance, travel, and eat out
be grateful this deadly virus will pass me by
my resilience will keep me strong.


I am involved in a creative writing group In Dunlaoighre with the Active Retirement.

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