A High Life In Lockdown. A poem by Patricia Doran

It began with a window,
a vision between frames
flickering at the beyond.
Come to the window outsider
glimpse the world inside.

It licks at the door’s brass
locks, solid and strong,
secure from the strays outside
keep them where they belong.
Stay safe if confined inside.

It touches the bolt to creep
through cracks riding
barefaced on the curious light,
a predator in hallways
unravelling your dreams.

Barely visible behind panes,
wan smile and hand waves
to a young fox coming closer.
He grows bolder, stalking
sunrays after darkness has gone.

Outside barred but for a window
four platforms high over ground,
inside your solitary shield
the door is locked and bound
should a stranger drop by.

You held fast to that window
until the enemy had passed.
Time for reprieve, don’t regress
you plead. Feet firm on the earth,
a breeze on your skin
outside you breathe again.


Patricia Doran writes fiction, nonfiction and poetry. She performed spoken word in different times. Looking forward to meeting the wonderful Inkslingers writing group again sometime in the future in the beautiful environment of the Irish Writer’s Centre, Dublin 1. Thank you pendemic.ie for the space you have given us all.

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