Dare to be imperfect
Push the boundaries that
once had a firm grip on your confidence
Offer truth to your dreams by leading them into action
Be a more present Roman numeral than a disengaged millionaire
Dare to be beautiful
Remove the notion that beauty is just an aesthetic force of imagery
Lend truth to your inner beauty –
the design that will lead you dancing into your wiser years
Dare to be happy
Detach your mind and body from that which serves your essence a certain destruction
Give truth to the reality that happiness is an inside job of which you are Queen, King and Country.
Tess McKevitt is a multi-published Irish Poet and writer. Tess often writes under the poetic pseudonym, Coni T. Poni, and she had read at various festivals and venues. Tess is currently working on publishing a book of Poems and Prose, due to launch in late Winter.