No one has the wisdom. A poem by Patrick Brannigan

When things go wrong there is always
Someone to turn to,
Who’s seen it all before,
But not anymore.

We are in new uncharted waters
Not easy, not easy at all.
Like the artic explorers, ice-packed for months
Tom Crean and his mates in Antarctica living by the seat of their pants

Relatively few went to the edge of the world
But, now, we are all in the same boat,
Or, in a flotilla which is all at sea.
What do we do?

There are activities.
There’s caritas: compassion, communication,
Reflect on and support others’ needs.
And when you remember, breath and help others to. You


Work in educational computing, passion for the Arts, especially singing in choirs, music, words; love the outdoors and taking and sharing pictures. Thank you for providing this outlet during these challenging times.

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