It is time for a Midsummer fire but not the weather for it. We are tucked up indoors at Mount …
What could matter … ? A poem by Michael McFarland
It didn’t matter the sky was cloudy, or that the cafes were closed. It didn’t matter no one spoke to …
The Tree Bark in Decay and The Bark of the Tree. Two poems by Tess Larkin
The Tree Bark in Decay I did not always lay down here. I was raised in adoration, In my past …
To my neighbours I don’t even know. A poem by Patricia Antoinette Higgins
I don’t know you. I have never even seen you. I only know of your existence When, Late at night-time, …
Health anxiety during a pandemic. A poem by Maureen Lowndes
You are too sensitive they always say How come you never toughened up There are reasons for that Reasons best …