Take this all of you and eat it: Manna from waxy cardboard boxes dip into (don’t even plate) the noodles …
Shopping With Virus. A Poem by Neil O’Sullivan
A sphincter clenched Tight enough To pull the skin off his nose He negotiated the aisles Like the last clean …
Centrum In Trigono Centri. A Poem by Andrew Galvin
When weather frightens path and step uncertain be the heather that holds the sopping soil together ……………………………….. Andrew Galvin …
Lockdown. A Poem by William Wall
we are having an at home day for the foreseeable future we are in quarantine we will be lucky if …
Silkworm a tiny poem about cocooning by Rhona Greene
My mother is a silkworm deep inside her cocoon, quietly spinning silk. When the time is right she will emerge, …