Every morningWhen I wake upThere’s a momentWhen I can hearEverything.If I listenThere’s no longerAn inside or an outside.Nor even, it …
Fear of Fear. A poem by Una Kelly
Fear of Fear 23 March 2020 The Vernal Equinox Epidemic Pandemic China leads the way Social distancing Physical distancing Ireland …
Once. A poem by Fergus Hogan
once we made love naked and wet once we touched and kissed with open lips once we came together as …
The lockdown. A poem by Neil O’Sullivan
I have been here alone with you My mouth is full of pebbles My heart curls beneath my bowel A …
Beautiful Untouched World. A poem by Fin Brennan
There are beautiful creatures here There are horrible creatures here The world is at a standstill We’re not impressed Everyone …