Anthropomorphism by Mel Finefrock

For Cindy


The crape myrtle
now bears the pink blooms
my sister loves
like so many rings
adorning fingers
both too long
and too knobby
to be hers.

I reach out anyway
for a handhold, knowing
this contact
will have to do for now
and that she’ll meet one too
on her evening walk
a few towns North.

In addition to authoring Patchwork Poetry, Mel Finefrock has received creative writing awards from the University of North Texas and the Coalition of Texans with Disabilities. Her work also appears in popular blogs such as HuffPost, elephant journal, and Conscious Style Guide. Finefrock enjoys singing and playing guitar, and just about any cup of tea is her cup of tea. Facebook author page: Amazon author page: Deviant Art: Commaful:

1 Comment

  1. Lovely poem

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